Please note - this is a commercial website
Call: +44 (0) 1344 752753 / +44 (0) 7970 541757
E-mail: RusMilitary


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E-MAIL all enquiries / sales / technical questions




UK & Europe: 01344 752 753 (00 44 1344..) from 9am to 6pm

Mobile: 07970 541757 (00 44 7970..) after 6pm

USA & Canada: 011 44 1344 752 753 from 8am to 12am your local time

Far East & Australia: + 44 1344 752 753 from 2pm to 9pm your local time




If you wish to send us some items for sale or return goods purchased earlier, please contact us by e-mail

From 1st of January 2021 some of our goods and services are also available from our EU office in Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC*

* is a commercial website shared by three (3) registered companies based in the UK and Czech Republic. Most of our goods and services are available in both countries including armourer's services for film/TV (!)


Firearms license holders in the UK are welcome to visit us in person to view firearms offered for sale. When buying a firearm customers will be given a quick training (appx 30 min) in AK handling & operating system (free of charge, of course) - all visits have to be pre-arranged. Our normal working hours: 10am-5pm (Monday to Friday). Please note that Saturday & Sunday visits are also welcome, but are strictly by appointment. If we are not completely satisfied with your ID credentials as a UK-registered FAC holder, you may be asked to prove your ID via Code10 verification system

Code10 ID verification >

© Copyright RusMILITARY 1999-2025

Tel: 01344-752 753 E-mail: RusMilitary