INERT missile launchers |
INERT (FIRED / Deactivated) NLAW anti-tank missile system
DEACTIVATED NLAW (Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) is designed to destroy the most advanced tanks and armoured vehicles. This jam-free, man-portable system can be deployed in about five seconds by a single serviceman 24/7 and it can operate in any environment within the distance of 20m to 800m from almost any position including those from high buildings, behind a tree or a ditch. It can fire 45 degrees down and from inside a building. NLAW's OTA function is effective at just 20 m, making it ideal for short-range combat, even where a tank is behind a cover.
Its armour-piercing warhead can destroy heavily protected MBTs by a single shot. The system is also extremely effective when the operator can only see a tiny portion of the target. All is needed is to aim at the visible part and fire. The missile will travel one metre above the line of sight, before it takes the tank out from above. Weight -12.5kg |
REPLICA FGM-148 JAVELIN anti-tank missile system
REPLICA (FILM PROP) The FGM-148 Javelin or Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon System-Medium (AAWS-M), is an American-made man-portable anti-tank system in service since 1996. Using an arched top-attack profile, Javelin climbs above its target for improved visibility and then strikes where the armour is weakest. To fire, the gunner places a cursor over the selected target. The Javelin command launch unit then sends a lock-on-before-launch signal to the missile.
With its soft launch design, Javelin can be safely fired from inside buildings or bunkers. Constructed from alloy frame, 3D printed resin parts and protective foam, our FGM-148 REPLICA comes with the original inert (empty) launch tube with added imaging infra-red seeker warhead at the front (imitation dummy), while CLU has all the proper markings of the real thing. Click on links to view: CLU (Command Launch Unit) / Launch_Tube / Javelin complete assembly. Available for FILM / TV hire only - NOT for sale!
REPLICA FIM-92 Stinger missile launcher |
REPLICA (FILM PROP) FIM-92 Stinger surface-to-air missile launchers (SAM) were purpose-built by the armourer Simon Atherton for Charlie Wilson's War movie (3 pieces in total). Built from alloy and fiberglass, they have a flip-up sight holder on the left, built-in navigational antenna on the right (see image below) and battery compartment with a fake battery just like the real thing. These replicas can be shipped to EU and US (payment / shipping terms and conditions apply)
Price: £1,880-00 |
Appx $1,965 / Good "storage" condition |
INERT 9K32M Strela-2M missile launcher
INERT 9K32M Strela-2M (SA-7B Grail) is a man-portable, shoulder-fired, tail-chase low-altitude SAM system with passive infrared homing guidance. It was the first generation of Soviet surface-to-air missiles, classed as "fire-and-forget" types, manufactured by KBM Kolomna in Moscow region. Our INERT (deactivated) version of 9K32M includes an empty gripstock and disposable launcher tube with non-functional battery module!* The SA-7B utilises a boosted propellant charge to increase range of up to 4.2 km
and speed of 430 m/s. To date Strela-2M has been considered a very efficient weapon to destroy air targets. Its advantages include the simplicity of construction and the way of rapid and easy deployment due to its small dimensions and light weight (just 15kg fully loaded). Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION / TRAINING AID - No license required! (as a precaution some internal wiring was removed)
Price: £00-00 |
Grade1 / SOLD OUT > |
* Complete INERT version of Strela-2M including deactivated trigger / guidance box (gripstock ) is avaialble for FILM / TV hire (as on picture below). CLICK to view a hollow gripstock - all electronic parts were removed and destroyed
INERT 9M313 IGLA missile launcher
Similar to the Strela-2M, the IGLA-1 system (9M310 / 9M313) is a low-altitude SAM system developed in the Soviet Union in 1981. The major differences from Strela, is the optional “Friend or Foe” identification system to prevent firing on friendly aircraft, whilst providing improved resistance against flares and jamming and a more sensitive seeker, expanding the forward-hemisphere engagement capability to include straight-approaching fighters. Like many other MANPADS, the Igla-1
system fires the so-called rolling airframe missiles. These missiles roll in flight (900 – 1200 rpm) so steering the missile requires just a single pair of control surfaces. But the most unique and well-known feature of the “IGLA” (“Needle” in Russian) is its ability (delay fuse) NOT to explode on impact, but instead, to penetrate a fuselage and detonate the main charge inside the aircraft and also to trigger an additional charge to set off the remaining rocket fuel (if any left) on impact and this is how the IGLA got its nickname –
“The Deadly Needle". Our inert (deactivated) version consists of 9K313 disposable launcher tube with front cap and non-functional battery module ONLY! (NO control unit - gripstock). Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION / TRAINING AID - No license required! (as a precaution some internal wiring was removed)
Price: £395-00 |
Grade 1 (good storage condition) |
INERT (FIRED) 9P-14-Sh RPO "SHMEL" launcher
93mm RPO-A "Shmel" (Rocket-propelled Infantry Flamethrower "Bumblebee") is a pre-loaded single-shot rocket launcher. (Russian: Реактивный Пехотный Огнемёт РПО-А "Шмель"). Classed as a flamethrower by its manufacturer Tula KBP Design Bureau, it is in fact a hand-held disposable launcher tube, designed to fire thermobaric,
incendiary or smoke missiles upto 1.5km. Sighting range is 600m (collapsible iron sight), muzzle velocity - 125m/s. Weight - 11kg with loaded missile. The RPO has two collapsible grips and a trigger with safety catch. CLICK to view a wider picture. Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £750-00 |
Grade 1 W/ front and rear caps |
INERT (FIRED) RPG-22 NETTO / RPG-26 AGLEN anti-tank rocket launchers
INERT (FIRED) RPG-18 MUKHA (Fly) anti-tank rocket launcher
64mm Soviet-made RPG-18 is a recoilless, disposable light-weight hand-held rocket launcher, produced in Soviet Union between 1972 - 1990. It is made of reinforced plastic and alluminium and designed as a telescopic tube to make it compact and very light weight - just 1.4 kg without grenade. Once fired, the launcher can NOT be re-loaded. PG-18 HEAT grenade travels at a speed of 115m/s and can penetrate upto 375mm steel plate / 1m of reinforced concrete. Effective range - 200m. The self-destruct mechanism destroys the rocket in 6 seconds if the target is missed. Its major disadvantage if compared with RPG-22 is that once the trigger is cocked, it can not be set to safety.. it must be fired. It was widely used by Soviets during Afghan war in the 80s Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £00-00 |
<OUT of STOCK > |
INERT (FIRED) Yugo M80 "Zolja" anti-tank rocket launcher
64mm Yugo M80 Zolja is a recoilless, disposable light-weight hand-held rocket launcher (a copy of Soviet-made RPG-18 "Mukha" / "Fly"). It is made of reinforced plastic and designed as a telescopic tube to make it compact and very light weight - just 1.6 kg without rocket. Once fired, the launcher can NOT be re-loaded. The trigger can be cocked* and put on "safety". Similar in design to RPG-7 grenade, the M80 anti-tank rocket travels at a speed
of 190m/s and can penetrate upto 300mm steel plate. Max range - 1300m. The self-destruct mechanism destroys the rocket in 6 seconds if the target is missed. Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £00-00 |
Grade 1 / SOLD OUT > |
INERT (FIRED) 9M131 "METIS-M1" anti-tank missile launcher tube
The 9K115 Metis is a man-portable, wire-guided anti-tank missile system developed in the Soviet Union by the Instrumentation Design Bureau KBP (Tula) and adopted for service in 1992. The missile's warhead is a single HEAT charge that can penetrate 460 mm of armour. It is also known as AT-13 "Saxhorn" (NATO classification). A modernised Metis-M1 PTRK (ATGM) system was later developed and is known as 9M131 which features the increased dimensions (130mm up from 93mm) and much heavier Tandem HEAT missile, which is designed to penetrate most of the dynamic reactive armour
Price: £145-00 |
Single tube |
INERT (FIRED) 9K111-2 "Fagot" anti-tank missile tube
120mm 9K111 Fagot (also known in the West as AT-4 Spigot) is a launcher tube loaded with 9M111 ATGM missle - wire-guided anti-tank missile system developed in the Soviet Union in 1962 by Tula KBP Design Bureau. Once fired, the launcher tube can not be re-loaded. Instead another loaded tube has to be installed on a tripod. The complete laucher system weighs 22.5kg but we only offer a used / fired tube (9P135 tripod with control
unit are NOT included). The system uses a gas generator to push the missle out of the launcher tube - similar to recoilless RPG launcher - and then accelerates to 185 m/s by its solid fuel motor. Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £235-00 |
INERT tube (9K111-2) |
Price: £00-00 |
INERT 9M111 missile / SOLD> |
INERT (FIRED) 9M111-M "Faktoria" & 9M113 "Konkurs" anti-tank missile tubes
The improved 120mm 9K111-M Fagot-B (AKA "Faktoria") ATGM system has an upgraded motor and HEAT warhead capable to fire at max 2500m distance. The 135mm 9m113 Konkurs launcher (AT-5 Spondrel) has a maximum speed of 208 m/s at max 4km distance. Both tubes are compatible with 9m135 lauching system. As NEW! (Museum Quality). Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £225-00 |
INERT tube (9K111-M) |
Price: £00-00 |
INERT tube (9K113) / SOLD> |
INERT (FIRED) 9M113 "Konkurs" anti-tank missile tube
This museum quality collectable version comes in original wooden storage box with all authentic descriptions in Russian and matching serial numbers on launcher tube, storage box and log book. EXTREAMLY RARE piece of kit! CLICK to open the box and CLICK to see the log book. Legal status in the UK and Europe - SPENT AMMUNITION - No license required !
Price: £00-00 |
INERT tube (9K113) / SOLD OUT> |
DE-ACTIVATED 9M113 KONKURS / anti-tank missile system
A complete DEACTIVATED 9M113 Konkurs ATGM system including 9K111-2 launcher tube, inert 9M111 missile, 9P135 tripod, 9P56M guidance box and 9Sh119M1 day/night sight unit is available for FILM/TV hire and military display events |
* Please note - while the trigger can be cocked and dry-fired, as a precaution, one vital internal part of it was removed and space was filled with ""super steel" resin. This part is not replaceable and operation is irrevesible
UK MARKET We can ship inert launchers, missiles, grenades, shells & mines to all customers in the UK aged 18 or over (NO LICENSE REQUIRED !). Please e-mail a proof of age - a picture of valid UK driving license or passport |
EU MARKETS We can ship inert launchers, missiles, grenades, shells & mines to all customers in any European country, member of EU (!) for JUST £45. All parcels are insured and trackable via internet
USA / Canada / New Zealand / Non-EU We do not sell / ship INERT missiles / launchers to non-EU countries. Pls do NOT attempt to buy online - this type of goods will not be shipped! |
© Copyright RusMILITARY 1999-2025
Tel: 01344-752 753 E-mail: RusMilitary
Available for Film/TV hire |
and pay cash for 9M111 / 9M14 inert missles and 9P135 tripod, RPG-7, 22, 26 inert training grenades ! |
NLAW used sights, used batteries, front and rear caps |
Мы купим: учебный комплекс ПТРК Конкурс с учебной ракетой, запасные крышки, прицельные планки и кольца чеки РПГ-26, 18, 22 и инертные тренировоч&
#1085;ые гранаты от любых РПГ