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SVD wooden buttstock & handguards

Authentic Russian (good condition / NOS) Izhmash-made ply-wood butt stock and handguards. Standard military design in light and darker Oak. Cheek pad is NOT included (see below). Butt length - 30cm. CLICK to view magazines / cleaning kit

Price: £535-00 Satin / Light Oak / $550
Price: £642-00 Satin / Dark Oak / $670
SVD cheek pad

Authentic SVD dark brown leather cheek pads with wooden base for SVD's laminated fixed buttstock are military surplus (NOS) or modern Izhmash-made in black with polymer base, which can be also fitted on AK skeleton buttstock

Price: £00-00 Izhmash BLACK / NEW / SOLD>
Price: £84-00 MIL SURPLUS / NOS / appx $90
SVD recoil pad

Autnentic Russian pads originally designed to fit SVD (TIGR) wooden buttstock would also fit Vepr-12, SKS, Mosin and Mauser rifles as well as SVDS (Saiga-12) folding butt. The £59-pound version was widened from inside by cutting & filing to fit a modern SVD fixed polymer stock.. A MUST-HAVE.. if you ever shot 7.62x54R / view the BIG picture

Price: £49-00 SVD / Brown / SOLD OUT>
Price: £52-00 SVD / Black / appx $55
Price: £59-00 SVD polymer butt / Black / appx $62
AKM wooden furniture set (4-piece)

Romanian AKM laminated wood furniture set includes buttstock, handguards and black polymer grip (NEW codition). This set fits any AK and Saiga rifle based on stamped receiver

Price: £65-00 BLONDE / SOLD OUT>
AK47 (AKM) CyberGun (.177 Co2) parts kit

Complete parts kit stripped off the original .177 AK47 (AKM) CyberGun Co2 rifle and just it's 4-pcs wooden stock set

Price: £139-00 Parts Kit Complete
Price: £49-00 4-pcs Wood stock set
AK47 Co2 CYBERGUN parts kit
AK47 (AKM) CyberGun (.177 Co2) stock set

AK47 (AKM) CyberGun Co2 rifle 4-pcs wooden stock set (Norinco AKM) fits both Chinese Type 56 and AKM type rifle

Price: £69-00 4-pcs Wood stock set
Chinese Norinco stock set
AKM wooden furniture set (4-piece)

Modern production AKM laminated plywood stock set + bakelite pistol grip to fit most of AK stamped receivers

Price: £254-00 Izzy Iodine / appx $265
AKM laminated plywood butt stocks

Authentic AKM laminated butt stocks comes from old Soviet stocks or stripped off the weapon in good condition (Grade1). They fit ALL AKs and Saigas based on stamped receiver, but may require some rasp filing on both sides and at the bottom for better fitting

Price: £ 99-00 No 1 / Appx $100
Price: £ 99-00 No 4 / Appx $100
Price: £129-00 No 5 / SOLD OUT>
AKM textolite pistol grips

AKM textolite (Thermoset) pistol grips (dark orange) in slightly used condition (stripped-off the weapon). Eastern Bloc. Ideal colour macth with AK bakelite magazines and lighter stock sets

Price: £35-00 DARK ORANGE / Appx $37
Price: £64-00 2 x DARK ORANGE / Appx $67
AK bakelite pistol grips

Soviet AKM / AK74 bakelite pistol grips in mostly common dark brown and rare lighter brown in "marble" pattern. Width - 23mm

Price: £00-00 DARK BROWN / SOLD OUT>
Price: £00-00 LIGHT BROWN / SOLD OUT>
AKM wooden pistol grip

Authentic AKM wooden pistol grip comes from old Soviet stocks Grade1 RED in good condition or darker brown stripped-off the weapon (Grade2), laminated plywood, thickness of the grip 24mm

Price: £00-00 RED / G1 / SOLD OUT>
VEPR-12 laminated furniture set

Made in Russia after-market DELUX quality laminated plywood furniture set inc hand guards and pistol grip (3 pcs) for VEPR-12 shotgun

Price: £144-00 Appx $145 / SOLD OUT>
PKM plywood buttstock

Authentic DARK IODINE laminated plywood butt stock for PKM GPMG. / Eastern Bloc / Mint storage condition (ZIP) and PKT dust cover - ideal for Picatinny installation project (NO rear sight)

Price: £310-00 Appx $325
Price: £325-00 Appx $340


Hi, I just wanted to thank you for the excellent service with the laminated AKM furniture set. As you can see from the attached it has really finished off my deactivated AKM and restored it to as-new condition again. The wood did require some careful fitting exactly as you said, but went on without issue. It was also good to have the option for yourselves to carry out the necessary adjustments before sending if needed. Thanks again, and I look forward to buying from you in future! Kindest regards, Alastair / 24.09.21

Hi Oleg, Thanks very much for your fantastic customer service and fast response. Product (replacement SVD stock for a TIGR) is exactly as described and in perfect condition. I will certainly be buying many many more items from you in the future. There are a lot of scam websites out there, but this is not one of them. Many thanks / E-mail from Grant (New Zealand 09.09.15)

Please note - all firearms accessories are sold in the UK and abroad on the understanding that they are for personal use and will not be (re-)exported without the pre-requisite authorisation. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that they comply with relevant local licensing requirements

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